Just imagine…. crystal clear, turquoise blue water as far as your eyes can see and a soft breeze rustling palm tree fronds overhead as you lazily lie on a pristine stretch of gorgeous sandy beach.


As you walk out into the water look, down at your toes…. see all the gorgeous tropical fish swimming around?
Putting on your snorkel and mask, dive in!  Look around at this fabulous watery garden of brilliant colors, alien formations and lively inhabitants. As you float there, gorgeous fish of all shape, size and colors swim around you.


Ok, don’t worry, I’m not going crazy! I just wanted to set the mood for my new glass fish beads…

glass lampwork fish bead

And if you use your imagination, can’t you just see my sweet creations hiding in a crevice?….

glass lampwork fish bead

….or darting back and forth with the other fish?

glass lampwork fish bead

When I sculpt my sea creatures, I always have books of fish pictures that I look at to inspire me when I start. But it never fails that after I start making my fish, the creative flow takes over and helps me finish my new ocean dweller.

glass lampwork fish bead

So I am thinking, maybe, is there more that exist in this vast universe than we know about?

Hoped you enjoyed your mini vacation to this tropical island! We all need little breaks so we can come back to reality refreshed! :)



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