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Embrace the Struggles!

My Altheas have been blooming for a couple of weeks and they are gorgeous! This one is a new type called “Sugar Tip”. The flowers are 4″ across. This new variety is not suppose to self seed. An added bonus is the leaves are variegated white and green. I wouldn’t mind a few more of this beauty.

Altheas or Rose of Sharons are Hibiscus Syriacus which are loved by hummingbirds for their sweet nectar and insects the Altheas attract.

The secret to mastering glass sculptures is simple. Be so passionate about what you make in glass that no amount of frustration, failures or setbacks will stop you from your visions.


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I would love to make this flower in glass but at the moment it is an insurmountable challenge! With soooo many tiny petals, the heat of the flame would melt the delicate petals into a blob. But one day I will overcome the impossible and figure out a way!

Until then, I will be in awe each season this beauty blooms and muse about possibilities!



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