Wouldn’t you LOVE being on a tropical island daydreaming right about now? I’m yearning for the ocean’s cool breeze here in hot, hot central Texas! But, I’ve been staying busy indoors and trying to stay out of the heat. I guess this hot weather is a blessing in a way. It’s encouraged me to do things I’ve been putting off.

glass lampwork bead fish


Like, I’ve finished writing 3 articles which took me a solid week to accomplish. One for SoftFlex in their Designer Spotlight, another for the leading bead magazine in Australia called Australian Beading Magazine. The third is still in acceptance limbo, so I will let you know more details later. I talked about different things in each but a lot about artistic inspiration & how I am changing my life with my thoughts.

glass lampwork bead fish

I would not have even had the courage to do these articles if it wasn’t for my self development program I am still pursuing.  We’ve also stopped watching TV and created more time for family togetherness.


Hope these ocean fishes get you in a tropical mood! Just looking at them makes me feel like putting my bathing suit on and relaxing as I sip on a cool drink! (of course, in the shade with a fan blowing on me here in Texas!)

glass lampwork bead fish

One of my goals is stretching myself artistically with my glass lampworking. I started with these 4 fish. I tried incorporating new techniques and making more intricate color combinations that take more time to accomplish. I think the results are very exciting and gorgeous. And, of course, I can’t repeat and that makes them even more rare & special.


glass lampwork fish bead

Gorgeous tropical fish to nudge you into a festive spirit any time of the year. I wear my tropical sweeties to help me through the winter blues! :)



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