Artistic inspiration comes from the strangest places!

Living on 40 acres of cattle grazing land does have some advantages. At night, looking up, you can literally see forever. In Georgia, the tall pine trees pretty much obscured most of a night’s display of stars.

This week, especially Thursday night, there is a shooting star show going on in the sky. We watched last night around 1:30 am and saw about 7 or 8 shooting stars. They kind of look like fireflies but really far away. Jupiter is prominent in the sky as well. My son’s telescope was able to show the rings around Jupiter and 3 of it’s moons. It felt surreal!

According to Baylor Bear, “Some ancient cultures believed a shooting star was the soul shooting off of the earth up into the afterlife. If they were lucky enough to see it- they would say a prayer and make a request or ‘a wish’ hoping that when their loved one reached the Gods they would ask them to grant the request of whomever made the wish and it would hopefully come true!”

So, if you even happen upon a glorious shower of meteorites, remember this folklore! You may be lucky enough to have come true your wish upon a shooting star!

And be thinking how you can express every amazing experience you have through your glass art!



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