Have you seen my Art Nouveau board on my Pinterest site?  I admit, I love, love, love that era in history! The inspiration for my new Art Nouveau Flower Bouquet Glass earrings was born as I visited my board lately !
 A while back, I made some pendants with Art Nouveau inspired whirling, twining flowers that my collectors really loved.

Art Nouveau glass lily pendant

Art Nouveau Glass Lily Focal with ribbons. Size – 2 inches long

Art Nouveau glass peony pendant

Art Nouveau glass peony posy Focal Size-1 1/4 inches long

Problem was…they were extremely hard to make because the flowers were so tiny and intricate with tons of minute details.  No small feat when one is working with an 1800ºF flame!
I got a little burnt out and had to take a break from tedious. But my love for that Victorian Era’s artistic style has its hooks in me. Then I received some Divine inspiration.

How did I know? Inspiration is always uplifting & exciting. It makes you happy, like someone just told you the most thrilling secret! Your heart might even skip a beat. And things just flow.


New Twist: Art Nouveau Flower Bouquet glass earrings

So, my new Art Nouveau flower bouquet glass earrings is a compromise…same tedious, complex floral details but just on a smaller scale! But same gorgeous, sensuous style that’s thrilling for me to create!

Art Nouveau glass earrings Peony

Art Nouveau glass earrings Peony click here to see these in my store

Of course, each of the sweet Art Nouveau glass earrings is uniquely one of a kind in the earring pair. I fight against conformity…just like Mother Nature! The sure fired way to kill artistic perfection & create boredom is to make anything perfect.
I love how Nature makes each flower different and beautiful! How some of the petals of flowers are quirky and sometimes even a little deformed or dying.

Violet Art Nouveau Floral Bouquet Art Glass Earrings

Find my new Art Nouveau flower bouquet glass earrings in my store

Mother Nature Supports Diversity

 Wouldn’t it be nice if we, as humans, could see through the eyes of Nature? Would we learn to see the beautiful personality uniqueness of each person we met? Wouldn’t life be more perfect?  I don’t think Mother Nature does any judging. I think It just loves & celebrates all of It’s creations in whatever stage of existence.

That’s what I am always aiming for in my glass creations! I love having the perfect person attracted to the perfect piece of glass art that seems to be created just for them. It happens over & over again. It’s like a missing piece of a puzzle that slips into its perfect place when the right person comes along.


Has this Happened to You?

I used to watch this amazing happening at each show I did! The right glass piece was like a magnet that the perfect person was drawn to as they ran their fingers gingerly along the hundreds of glass beads at my booth.  Most of the time they had to look at each glass piece but they always came back to that special one that touched their soul.

Sometimes, if they rationalized & hesitated on buying the piece, they would actually dream about the art piece that night. And, they were at the show the next day,when it opened, to buy it. Truly…they told me so!

Sometimes, the art piece had sold and they were heart broken! I believe listening to Divine whispers will never lead you astray! There is always a way when you follow your heart!

Orange Floral Bouquet Art Glass Earrings

New Art Nouveau glass earrings Orange Peony, 3/4 inch long. Check them out in my shop

How I Create My Art

I think this is possible because I create my glass art staying as close to Divine inspiration as I can. I get into the flow and allow the flower or fish or whatever I’m creating to just become. I try to put judgment aside and feel the ease & pull of the flow as I dance my way to the finished piece.
In this way, the Divine in me connects with the Divine in a soul I probably haven’t even met. But there is a healing and a blessing for both of us if we each follow our joy!
For me, it’s in the Joy of dancing with the Divine as I create and for the receiver, the Joy of wearing a blessing perfected just for them.



I’ve only created a handful of these earrings. If you feel a pair calling your name, now is the perfect time to grab them! Click here to check out my new Art Nouveau glass earrings in my store!



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