I love being an artist! I see the world in bursts of vivid colors, flashes of unbelievable beauty and moments of inexpressible perfection so wonderful that sometimes I feel my heart will explode! It makes me strange acting on occasions, especially if I’m standing next to my cool, collected, reserve husband. But, no matter, my excuse is I’m an artist!

And why am I telling you this? Because my garden is blooming! Life is birthing right in front of my eyes and everyday is a celebration! But life’s daily routines and continuous demands can overshadow nature’s miraculous show!

double daylily

So, I am writing this to remind you and myself to slow down for a moment to see the emergence of life in all its glory. My daylilies are blooming. Each one blooms for only 1 day. Can it be that the creator of life puts as much love into this one bloom as in any other of its creations?

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If you take the time to look at the daylily you will see perfection, beauty beyond expression and a wonderment of how something so exquisite was created for just one day. Feelings of love and joy will be yours if you pause long enough to open your heart.


Flowers are gifts for us. Like breathtaking sunsets, playful kittens and kaleidoscope colors of schools of fish that float gracefully beneath the ocean’s surface. These are miracles we take for granted everyday without a moment’s thought. And yet, they continue to appear in our lives as reminders to pause a moment during our hectic day to appreciate the blessings around us.

glass lampwork floral bead necklace

Inspired from my garden CLICK HERE to Shop

If we will pause and count each blessing we experience during our entire day, thoughts of joy, gratitude and thankfulness will dominate our days. We will live in a magical world where dreams and miracles come true everyday. All it takes from me is a minute of my time to stop and smell the roses!


This necklaces was inspired from the flowers in my garden!


People ask me…How can I create such beautiful glass work? How can I not when I’m inspired from the Divine!

What inspires YOU?? Comment below!



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image patsy evins artist, paintings, glass, jewelry Psst...

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