I’ve been torching like crazy to get ready for my Bead Fest show in October. I bet you’re wondering why I’m already focusing on making beads for a show 8 weeks (6 now) away? Well, when I only am able to make 2-3 glass artwork beads a day, every day counts! I wanted to show some eye candy of my latest art beads here on my post.

glass lampwork bead fishSOLD but look what I’ve got in my SHOP right now!

I’ve been getting bigger and bigger with my fish art beads which is really quite hard to make. My flame on my torch is only about 1/2 inches wide and some of my fish are almost 3 inches wide. The glass has to stay heated evenly at all times. It gets a little nerve wrecking constantly keeping the bead moving around in the flame to maintain even distribution of heat. I also have to work at applying all the glass and details I want on the fish at the same time!

This starfish’s world has little sea anemones in it. Can you see them? That was stressful doing, too! I guess you are wondering why would I put all this stress on myself (and I wonder sometimes, myself)? I guess the answer is I’m pushing some artistic boundaries in myself and creating new directions with my artworks. Feels really good when I push my thinking process outside my BOX! That’s one of the things I’m writing about in my new E-Book lampworking tutorial…. how to push those boundaries to become a better artist.

I love, love, love the blues in this fish! This fish is like a chameleon, too! His fins turn pearly beige with a white background! It’s the silvered glass I used that is doing it.

Dragonflies….Don’t you just love dragonflies? I have had soo many people ask if I do dragonflies! So, yes, I do dragonflies! This one is perched on some flowers!

glass lampwork bead turquoise iris

And a favorite of mine… Iris! I love Irises and this one turned out gorgeous!

glass lampwork sea horse

I’m working on sea horses right now… I did some about 1 year ago and they were just the sea horse. Now, I’m putting them into sea worlds like they exist in the ocean.



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image patsy evins artist, paintings, glass, jewelry Psst...

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