WOW, the holidays sure came and went fast! I hope you had a perfect season with too much to eat, tons of laughter and enjoyed visiting with relatives you haven’t seen in a year!

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about 2012 and new directions I want to travel in with my lampwork beads. The most important direction is making your day brighter each time you read one of my post! So I got a few questions for you to answer if you don’t mind?

To sweeten the incentive to answer my questions, I’ll give you FREE SHIPPING on your next order! You’ll get a coupon code for free shipping when I receive your answers! :)

I’m all ears! Let me know what you think!

It’s really easy to answer the questions. First fill out your name and email below. (I need it to give you your shipping coupon code.) Then click the “Next” button to start the survey. Answer all the questions and click on submit button. That’s it!


[wpsqt name=”New Year Survey” type=”survey”]


Remember…. FREE SHIPPING on your next order when I receive your answers! :)

Thanks for helping me out!

Here’s a Peek at some of my new glass lampwork beads….

glass lampwork beads fish‘SOLD’ “Jeweled Toned Grouper”

glass lampwork beads fish‘SOLD’ “Turquoise Purple Angelfish”

glass lampwork bead ROSE flower with rose buds“Wedding Bridal Purple Rose and Buds” Check my SHOP



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image patsy evins artist, paintings, glass, jewelry Psst...

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